- Album: Сварицевичі з panoramio.com
Dubrovyts'kyi district, Rivnens'ka oblast, Ukraine, автор фото: rrsrerrrsrsssrrr@mai…Posted by: Олег Сироватко 16 november 2013
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- Album: ххх
Author: вова 27 december 2010
- 314
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- Album: А
Author: Саша галах 25 october 2010
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Author: толя 12 september 2010
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- Album: yr
Author: толя 12 september 2010
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- Album: фотки
Author: дмитро 10 september 2010
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- Album: фотки
Author: дмитро 9 september 2010
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Author: Дмитро 9 september 2010
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Date taken: 08.07.2009Snapshot address: с.СварицевичіAuthor: Володимир 6 september 2010
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6 september 2010 DeleteОт такий град був в той день, та добре що не наробив лиха. Are You sure?
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- Album: наши
Date taken: 23.05.2010Snapshot address: с.Сварицевичі кафе.ХвиляAuthor: Володимир 6 september 2010
- 371
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Date taken: 23.05.2010Snapshot address: с.СварицевичіAuthor: Володимир 6 september 2010
- 256
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- Album: Природа
Date taken: 06.01.2009Snapshot address: СварицевичіAuthor: Володимир 6 september 2010
- 167
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Date taken: 06.01.2009Author: Володимир 6 september 2010
- 157
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Author: руслан 30 april 2010
- 174
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- Album: нащи
Author: руслан 30 april 2010
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- Album: наши
Author: руслан 30 april 2010
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- Album: с Сварицевичі
Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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- Album: с Сварицевичі
Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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Author: ІванІ 5 march 2010
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- Album: с чСварицевичі
Author: ІванІ 5 march 2010
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Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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Author: Іван 5 march 2010
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Author: іван 5 march 2010
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Author: Іван 23 february 2010
- 106
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Author: Іван 23 february 2010
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