Найближчі населені пункти (кількість фото):
Шаргород - 270 Лозова - 37 Руданське - 6 Плебанівка - 4 Слобода-Шаргородська - 2 Дубинки - 1 Івашківці - 1 Мальовниче - 1 Мишівське - 1- Album: Перед грозою
Author: Піх Діана 6 october 2010
- 109
- 1
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: У полі
Author: Гешур Діма 28 september 2010
- 114
- 1
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Портрет сина
Author: Романюк Люба 10 september 2010
- 112
- 1
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Свіжа преса
Author: Гешур Саша 6 september 2010
- 106
- 2
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- Album: Квіти
Author: Іннеса 5 september 2010
- 97
- 2
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Захід сонця
Author: Інна 5 september 2010
- 104
- 0
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Грелівка
Author: Дана 5 september 2010
- 89
- 1
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Квіти в Грелівці
Author: Дана 5 september 2010
- 80
- 3
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Захід сонця
Author: Дана 5 september 2010
- 98
- 1
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Дитина з ГРЕЛIВКИ
Author: Дана 5 september 2010
- 94
- 1
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5 september 2010 DeleteAre You sure?
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- Album: Самотні червоні фігури у світі фантазії й реа
Author: Романюк Любов 5 september 2010
- 75
- 2
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- Album: Аня і Діма
Author: Дана 4 september 2010
- 85
- 4
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Картина моєї сестри
Author: Богдана 4 september 2010
- 84
- 3
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6 september 2010 DeleteAre You sure?
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- Album: Грелівка
Author: Богдана 4 september 2010
- 92
- 1
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Грелівка
Author: Богдана 4 september 2010
- 112
- 0
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4 september 2010 DeleteAre You sure?
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- Album: Грелівка
Author: Романюк Дана 4 september 2010
- 109
- 4
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4 september 2010 DeleteAre You sure?
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- Album: Дана
Author: Романюк Дана 4 september 2010
- 74
- 3
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- Album: Дана
Snapshot address: ГрелівкаAuthor: Романюк Дана 4 september 2010
- 79
- 3
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- Album: Захід сонця в Грелівці
Author: Романюк Дана 4 september 2010
- 59
- 3
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Лінії долі: все в твоїх руках
Snapshot address: ГрелівкаAuthor: Романюк Люба 30 august 2010
- 74
- 3
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30 august 2010 DeleteAre You sure?
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- Album: Художник з Грелівки
Snapshot address: ГрелівкаAuthor: Люба Романюк 30 august 2010
- 66
- 3
Deleting this photo deletes all its comments, and ratings. Are you sure?
Yes No, cancel - Album: Світ божевільних ідей
Author: Романюк 29 august 2010
- 72
- 2
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29 august 2010 DeleteAre You sure?
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- Album: Живопис \'На крилах щастя\'
Author: Романюк 29 august 2010
- 86
- 3
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4 september 2010 DeleteAre You sure?
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