https://www.facebook... target='' style='color: rgb(144, 148, 156); cursor: pointer; text-decoration-line: none; font-family: inherit;'>5 лютого о 16:23 Терміново потрібна допомога для Микитки! ПІБ: Корнєєв Нікіта Максимович, 08.04.2014 р. 'НЕХАЙ ГОСПОДЬ віддячить вам ВСІХ сторицею! Реквізити БФ КИЯН для допомоги Корнєєву Нікіти ПАТ КБ «Приватбанк», Столична філія, БФ «Киян» р / р 26007056225158 МФеО 380269, ЄДРПОУ 41302612 Всі звіти по лікуванню Корнєєву Нікіти будуть відкриті для вас на сайті :https://ubb.org.ua/r... target='_blank' data-ft='{"tn":"-U"}' rel='noopener nofollow' data-lynx-mode='async' data-lynx-uri='https://l.facebook.c...=https%3A%2F%2Fubb.org.ua%2Fru%2Fproject%2F3690%2F&h=ATPKMjrypHGwTR-ahP8z7s-n5AJr0KAvvSoK62fYAq4w74bQPTIkKRrh5k30nGqO0uIGwGQGvrA8m65F--fl3IDxNqRrFLqmRnyxiDlL76ygSVSr7NRBH_PpR56NIz6uwtyhmCzX5ArdVFP_SPYpXq4s8Qwle3giqxvSjbRFs02I9FftexPZ_n0_iI6FaIiD3so3C8nvtsiG_bgnekeiR2EqVLthaDa8Rvkbv1ty8YSRa2wWu9xsQbzxJwKHDLo0NGB2WW-k35cEjh77' style='color: rgb(54, 88, 153); cursor: pointer; text-decoration-line: none; font-family: inherit;'>https://ubb.org.ua/r... Друзі, якщо Ви побажаєте надати допомогу іншим нашим діткам - інвалідам, які перебувають на піклуванні фонду, то це не складно буде зробити, використовуючи наші реквізити (див.вище) або на сайті фонду, але із зазначенням у призначенні платежу: The only and long-awaited mama's son, Nikita, was born on time and developed very well. At 7 months the boy was already walking the bed, holding on to the railing. But happiness in the family was short-lived: at 11 months the child became ill, the diagnosis was viral encephalitis. Resuscitation... During the day, Nikita lost all his skills, he even stopped holding his head, stopped chewing, swallowed, his face twisted. The only thing left is a sweet smile in the world on his lips, in spite of the intolerable pain that affects his body and brain. The child's intellective is preserved! The consequence of encephalitis was spastic tetraparesis. From the same day, intensive rehabilitation began. Dozens of hospitals and centers, injections and droppers. All rehabilitations bring good results, Nikita tries and really wants to walk, which means that we have no right to stop. Thanks to constant medications, Nikitka began to chew solid food, turned over to all sides, he became active, cheerful, cheerful, started to get up on his own and crawl on all fours, and this is a great success for the family. And the most important thing is that he said such a long-awaited and important word: 'Mom'. Name: Kornieiev Nikita, 08.04.2014 City: Tomtaspol town, Vinnytsia region Diagnosis: spastic tetraparesis due to transferred viral encephalitis https://ubb.org.ua/m... style='max-width: 100%; border-style: none; float: left; margin: 0px 30px 24px 0px; color: rgb(54, 50, 49); font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, Kalimati, sans-serif;'> https://1ua.com.ua/c... style='color: rgb(42, 80, 126); font-family: Verdana; text-decoration-line: none; font-size: 11.5px;'>https://1ua.com.ua/m... style='max-width: 100%;'> |
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